Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A new era in line?

Choices were perplexing a decade ago
they are convoluted still;
Although we have experts to make tasks simple
selecting the connoisseur from the novice is a task uphill.

Making a matrimony work was no piece of cake
when the beau and the belle took vows of life;
And now they say understand the simple nature of love
pity you can't guess who's the husband and who's the wife.

Devices were made to provide comfort
and so were the multiple versions that came;
Yet the happless children that we were
couldnt summon the commands that we should tame.

The time is advancing ahead
but humanity seems to move back in time;
changing times redefine times both simple and complex
is a new era waiting out there in line?

*******Entry for the poem competition under the theme Changing Times:-Complex simplicity or simple complexty*****

*****This poem won me a 3rd prize at my MBA institute*****

1 comment:

Sandy said...

That was something...
I liked it a have talent.
I wonder how you pulled it in.....claps for you.
Waiting for more... :)