Monday, June 8, 2009

What if...............

Decisions are a very important part of life. Its not because we have to take them everyday. Its because the define who we are and where we are headed to. Thats why we say, we "take" decision, because we take the responsibility to construct our next moves and paths in our lives. At the same time decisions cause us suffering and bring sadness when we decide something unfavourable. Here I dont say wrong decision beacause no decision is right or wrong. It depends on the situation if the decision turned in favour of it or not. And this uncertainity is caused by what we call fate and mathematicians say chances.

I have made a decision
I intend to stick to it
It may bring me suffering
I am ready to take it

Bring me irrepairable damage
Get me a bitter pill
They dont scare me nomore
Lossing u is all I fear

You may leave me alone or punish me with forgiveness
But if you give up all you have
And your dear ones can never see you again
That is unacceptable to me.

I pray to god
that he gives my couarge to decide
And whatever the decision may be
Let it be in favourable to me.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Between a human reaction and the stimuli lies the great power of a human to choose.

As of decisions...if we take it or not..personally i feel we hardly have any idea when we decide.I prefer humans as being lame and only after the decision has shown it's effects does one knows what it was..good or