The earlier centuries were the good old days, when a cow was a cow and a man was a man. People followed only one thing to know the time of the day-the sun. A common man got up to work when the sun had risen and he went to bed soon after the sun set.
But now, thanks to the geniuses all around the world, we have things called lights, inverters, backups and all, so that we may do our work till late at nights. As if that wasn't enough, internet connections and phone service operators have brought in attractive schemes for (no prizes for guessing) night hours. The best block busters are also aired at midnight(action and horros mostly).And these supposedly golden hours are from 11pm to 6am.
I think these guys just forgot that we homo sapiens need sleep, duh! I try to remind my friends this very common sense logic, yet they fail to understand the simplicity of it all. They bring in multi-tasking to manage two or more works at a time. Some go as far as saying that may be we have evolved from what we were a few centuries ago to what we have become now, may be we need lesser sleep. If becoming edgy and impulsive or hyper tensed is called being evolved, then we surely have evolved.
Right now I am going to have a big turn in my life and am just in the gap between two lifetimes. I have a lot of spare hours (which i often think i will use productively, but.........)and I sit in front of the computer. Not a single person is online to whom I can talk to. When I'm not online there's not a single soul who has an economical phone connection to can talk to me at day time. Come night and this miss know it all, miss cute, miss vivacious is so in demand. I swap my phones (i have two) every now and then. I brush my teeth(am a good girl) saying my friends "brb" and I get to bed by 2:30 am.
In short I have become a night creature just like other people out there.
nice blog...true 2 very extent 4 vella ppl like us who have no work 2 do....
not only the vella people bt trust me the trend today is work hard... work harder..
for those who say work hard.. party harder party at nights while others work..
i can say so for on an average I have been sleeping 5 - 6 hours a day, I got big black spots under my eyes which wont go no matter i wash my face how many times a day... and the worst part is there is still work pending..
and u are so honest - a diseased and hyper existence is what we call evolution.. damn us!
In all.. I love your observing power.. you are so observant and always so correct.. hats off girl
so this is normal now....why bicker??
You deserve applause for the funny tone you get into at times..:))
Questioned myself if it is real bad to stay awake....i think it isn't. One's biological circle certainly has a lot to say about the habit...and evolution i guess is certainly there not in terms to sleep less but in terms to prove, belong and rise. It's just a normal to stretch...at leisure...beyond the midnight...into the darkness where peace plays it's game in the dark. :))
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