hahhaa that was a bad poem and a pj,hahaha uhhhhh ahem.....
I took to poems for certain reasons, but I don't know if that's the reason why people write poems at the first place. To me poems provide a way to convey what I want to in a veiled manner. I can use incomplete phrases, they can mean more than one thing, people can see the emotions and yet different kinds of people will get same message in a different light. But mostly poems fill up the gaps to the questions to which I dont have the answers to. And I felt it was more closer to my flow of thoughts than the paragraphs I write. It is like when I want to have a clearer vision about something I write paras and when I just know a certain thing i feel i write a poem so that i can take my own time n get involved and drown in the pleasure and pains of that feelings. Its like i can indulge in them as much as like (and also as long as my vocabulary and creativity help me :D).
But the main problem with me was that I thought that peoms are about putting together rhyming sentences. Although most poems do that and most kinds of poems have a certain rhythm of rhyming like aabb(boy toy, pump lump) or abab (boy pump toy lump), yet there is more to poems. And like any other thing I was determined to get to the bottom of it. I read a lot about poems (courtesy goolge) and arrived at a few useful conclusions like the special ingredients about a poem are rhyming (toy boy), count of syllables(eg con-di-tion),verse and theme.(but i was and am always concerned about how to read it out aloud becuase I know only only style :D).
After having done a crash course on poems on my own, I chose some kinds of easy styles of poems like acrostic but it turned out to be the first easy poems that are taught to children (how embarrassing, hehe). Yet now I have begun to understand and appreciate the poets and their poems because I believe now that poets should be good with vocabulary, excellent in playing with words and geniuses in imagination. That's what makes a good poem.
For me its a time for some excuses like I am an amateur poet and as Robert Frost has rightly said , ....miles to go before I sleep :)