Before I begin, I need to say that these days I'm working out in the mornings. That being an intersting topic in itself will be dealt with later. For now I will be focussing on how an incident reminded be about the old Hindi proverb "Musibat mein gadhe ko bhi baap banana padta hai" (When you are in trouble you have to even agree with fools.)
It so happened that my ipod was unable to sync. Now I need music while i work out. And my ipod is very compact, I just need to strap it with my clothing. My computer is not even in the proximity of my room. (It would be wrong to say that according to my mom, who doesnt approve of me listening to the loud music) . So I had the Herculean task of getting my choice of music available.
I thought of shifting my computer in my room, but then I thought better of it. Next I went to get a CD player, but that would have to accompany a TV. So my next option was also cancelled. As my last resort I turned to the tape recorder. The antiquated recorder sat in the corner where my mom irons her clothes. Was that a grin! Nah it cant be. I brought it to my room, but I found that suddenly it grew heavy. Was it due to my reluctance to use it, or was it becaused I had got used to my ipod!? Well I got a few cassettes. Imagine my horror when I discovered that the cassettes were all Ghazals, Kishore kumar's sad melodies, Rafi ji's melodies. Workout and melodies dont go together, ah huh!
At that point I rembered the radio. Although now a days the radio has had a revival what with the coming of Radio mirchi and other FM, I dont approve of the sound quality and clarity in my the reception in my town.
Whatever. I got down to tuning my radio to a station. I often wonder that this trait is beginning to be extinct with revolution and getting replaced my more able fingers for typing and pressing keys. The fingers as a whole arent as much as useful like they used to be, for tuning a radio. Its like they have decided that they also want their own independent existence, with simple tasks of pressing keys and sometimes typing. Hence I did what I knew I could do best. I just tuned to BBC. Now any body would want to know why BBC!(Or may be wouldnt want to know even!). Well, is the days of the super cyclone when all the power, the cable, telephone and every single means of communication was cut off, we at home had our only informer- the radio. Although in the beginning due to broken towers we couldnt use it. But with time it became very useful. I for one found it rather entertaining because we didnt have anyother means of entertainment. The best station that we could reach was BBC. Although the city was gaining momentum again, I had got used to the radio, actually BBC. Somehow the habit died out later on , I cant recall. So with a confidence in BBC I set out for my workout.
Alas I had forgotten that the morning time is for NEWS. And what could one expect in NEWS on BBC other than the poor women and children , AIDS in Nigeria, women in the Taliban area!!!! I was sweating and this women here was repeating the same things over and over again! I was getting all "worked" up. I hadnt expected my morning to be like this!
But hey, I had wanted to have music so I could work out. Wasnt my purpose solved!
At the end of the day my ipod problem was fixed and the forgotten memories were again forgotten.
Ah....me too happy that you got an alternative. Radio...BBC that too....and your mom'....well all that ends well is well. And yeah....iPod.....you have pretty nice reasons (that too loads) to have one.
yup, nice phrase......."mussibat....."
it augurs well for most of us.......well written, crisp and to-the-point
It makes me seriously wonder, why am I not writing blogs!!!
anyway, thnx for a refreshing read!
Girl's and iPOD's aren't compatible [:D]
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