I have joined a community in Orkut which is very much like the Hogwarts of my dreams. No, no I'm not advertising it here, I just wanted to share an essay that I had written in my House notice board about how much I like being in Hufflepuff. Its not that I wouldnt like to be in Gryffindor or Slytherin or even the Ravenclaw, the community sorted me into Hufflepuff and i like it there.
What I wrote is as follows:-
What I wrote is as follows:-
I'm Rose Zeller..
I am the student from Hufflepuff..
Our prefect is Laura Madley....
My good friends in the house are Zach, Ced, Susan n Laura..
We are a team, our house...
no matter a girl or a boy, we are alwayz a team....
Sometimes we need to be told that....
coz not alwayz do we understand how much we love each other...
But whether said or not , we love each other....
Such is our house...
There are times when things go wrong..
n we misunderstand each other,
but then our friendship brings us back together...
A kiss or a hug or even a smile,
These little things say a lot.....
n help a lot through our bad times
or when we are low.....
We believe that beauty is when we are able to show what we are
Not just skin deep.....
We are loyal, friendly n faithful lots...
We may be mad at u or be ill behaved at times
but we do have the courage to say sorry if we're wrong...
We stand by our friends if they need us
but if they are wrong we can even slap them...
Coz we are with our friends no matter right or wrong ....
And then if we're wrong we have the courage to face the consequences with our friends...
coz ultimately our friends will know their mistakes....
"We are ordinary,down to earth people but in our ordinariness,lies our extraordinariness.We are loving,patient and hardworking people.Everyone can trust us and depend on us. Hufflepuff is the house based on values and virtues over simply deeds, importance is based more on how you are, not what you do. Hufflepuff is all about acceptance"
Written by,
Miss.Rose Zeller..
For those who want to know more about my community, here's the link
[b] Wow rose!
That was an exceptionally well written article!!
I really liked it!
I liked your last one too!!
You're a really good writer!
Keep writing more!..=)
This is Orla Quirke
from Ravenclaw
Well done Rose,
That was superb.
Shows how much u love Hogwarts.
Keep it up dear.
your's lovingly,
Cho Chang(Smitha),
Hi Rose Zeller...m really surprised to see this essay..I hope u meant every words of wat u wrote..
never feel negative..u r a good hufflepuff,and be lyk dat..
n I think u also believe in the words..that.."we are one"..
love you...
Yes, the true reflection of the spirit in this community and the house.
U r the epitome of do/say wat u feel!!
words fall short to describe this indomitable spirit
I neva knew so many of my Hogwarts ppl are here!
Well I must say you are absolutely correct Rose...I mean I cant believe you can write something so beautifully...
Before joining Hogwarts (community) even I had the thing that Gryffindor is the only house good to be in bt then I got sorted to Ravenclaw...I didnt mind it bt I neva had given it any thought...
then I got Luna's role and to be honest, I dnt think I could have been anywhere else better!
I really love Hogwarts and to tell u honestly the magic of our community is like that of or even greater than the real Hogwarts inside the pages of Harry Potter...and its great to see that even more people are feeling it..
(ex - Luna)
Bathsheda Babblings
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