Children have always been close to my heart. And Ishan and Ishita are no exceptions to that. Ishan goes nursery classes and Ishita is yet to join nursery.Although they live next doors I hardly see them. Not because I"m busy, but due to the fact that if I get see them often and meet and talk and play with them I will get very fond of them. They are very cute. When it comes to kids get so involved in their little silly cute activities that I forget all about my daily chores. I feel so relaxed and happy with them.
Today when I took my break from work and was busy making some snacks out of sprouted pulses, they happeneded to come to our flat. At first I just got busy with mhy work but then when Ishan approached to me for a chat, I just gave up. He asked me for a computer so he could write his name. I gave him my lappy and asked if he would like to have some snack. He said I am full. Then he said if u let me sit on your lappy and feed it to me I will have it. BOYS!
Ishita is not so outgoing. She is shy types.She wouldnt enter the flat. Said she will go to her flat but would come later. She reminds me of Nikhar, my sister's pretty, little, cute, dimply daughter. Only yesterday I was watching her video.
Kids are so adorable. I just cant get enough of them. When I saw Nikhar for the first time she was all bundled up white cloth and looked a miniscule replica of an alien. But slowly and gradually she has grown up to be a pretty baby who's squeaks also do not irritate me. Such are children and I believe they really are god's gift to us. :)