Battles have been fought and laws have been made and broken. Still the human being struggles from within to choose the right from wrong. Although the basic guidelines and the "correct" practices are well known from the books on Moral Science and recallable because we learned them by heart at school, we often continue to reconsider them at some point of time. Why is it so? If they were actually correct, why do we still have to think about them? And if they arent actually all "correct" then why do we still follow them? The answer is, we as a society tend to have an easy going life as a whole, and in order to avoid problems and complexities at home and outside, we stick to certain rules. And these rules are then injected into the child right from the time he even knows what they mean!
Yet there are some rules that we make on our own; sometimes due to some bitter experiences we have had, sometimes due to a failure in a relationship or sometimes just because it was in their peer group.Its just some conversations of mine with my friends that made me reflect on about certain peculiarities of rules and share it with my readers.
Me and my friends were discussing certain issues prior to the group discussion and personal interview round of a certain B school. At the end of the discussion we started chatting. At a particular moment of discomfort about a topic that I wanted to avoid getting into, I suddenly picked up my phone and started browsing my messages. One of my freinds said that it was wrong what I was doing. He said, "I put my mobile on the silent mode because we were studying. After the discussion I saw that a certain friend of mine had called. And as we were about to chat, he was calling again.I didnt pick it up; even now I didnt put it back to general mode because I am here with you right now. And this time for you, my friend. I will talk to him at another time, his time. No one gets into the other's space." I didnt say him anything because my other friend was moving his head in agreement and I thought it looks like it is one of those times when they must have faced some kind of a situation and must have agreed to do so then only. Now when I think of it, it was me (!) who was complaining this friend that everytime he comes to meet us, he is always busy on the phone.
Break ups are very bad. One of my friends had to go through it all. And in order to make her feel better I was listening to all the faults she was pointing out about her ex-boyfriend. One of her statements was, " I am a person who wishes to solve her problem on her own. But when my boyfriend comes to know that I had a problem he tells me that I should try to solve it with him. I want to be independent. Isnt it wrong for him to say that way?" Then she asked my opinion. This is how I feel about the scenario - To one person thinking and approaching a problem is on their own looks right. To another sharing would be more important. So ultimately there's no such thing as a rule how people should react. It all depends on mutual understanding of each others choice and respect that the give to each others choice.