Most of us have heard in our lives from our parents, " I am more experienced than you". This we hear when we dont agree with our parents about some issue and they only end the chapter with this sentence that we dont have experience about that issue and thats why we can't understand. Similarly when we have a problem at school or college and our parents try to help us, we say that they won't understand because they havn't experienced it all. Then we sure do agree on one thing, that we wont understand each other until we have common experiences.
According to the definition of the dictionary........." experience is the fact or state of having been affected by or gained knowledge through direct observation or participation".
Experiences are strange. It brings together two different people, even total strangers. "Brings together" here means that they can discuss about it, analyze it and above all understand it. Some illustrations will best describe the above sentences. i am preparing for CAT exams. CAT means tensions, anticipations, aspirations, hopes, pitfalls, strengths, weakness and what not. I strategize day in and day out. I make mistakes, rectify, re- learn even. The whole experience is so full of emotions and passion and i need my friends to understand me. I tried but nobody understood. They tried to help, but they couldnt get me or help me. My best friend told me to try to talk about it with a person giving CAT. Presently I can talk about CAT with CAT aspirants and they fully understand me.
A girl once told me that when she had lost her mother she was very lonely. She couldnt talk to anybody about it. Not even her friends. Her grades fell. And then one day her teacher told her to wait after class. She was her most dreaded teacher, very strict she was. She made her sit on a bench and told her how she had lost her mother at a very tender age. She told her how she had felt. How she couldnt cry and that her grades fell. They both cried that day, in the classroom. This girl suddenly said, "Teacher if your grades fell then how have you grown up to be a teacher?". Teacher smiled and said that she too would get better grades again and since then there was no turing back for the girl.
What we see is that even though we are total strangers, arent emotionally attached, share no warmth at all, still experiences bind us.